Curious about the buzz around GeoAI but unsure how to integrate it to your geospatial projects or take your current applications to the next level? This workshop is designed for anyone ready to explore the world of GeoAI using ArcGIS and to seamlessly integrate this innovative technology into your workflows. Learn how to leverage and explore Esri’s pretrained AI models to quickly apply artificial intelligence to spatial data to get your feet wet in AI or use ArcGIS tools to apply advanced deep learning techniques to develop your own AI models, or as a data scientist or developer – dive into ArcGIS APIs for those ready to develop custom solutions. We will showcase various real-world GeoAI applications using various data types, including imagery, video, point clouds, and text. Discover how to unlock the power of GeoAI, revolutionize the way you work transforming data into actionable decisions for diverse audiences.
Cost: $195