February 10-12, 2025  |  Colorado Convention Center   |  Denver, CO, USA

The Intersection of Geospatial + the Built World

Geo Week is proud to partner with ISPRS to provide networking and technical training for professionals working with photogrammetry, remote sensing, and spatial information systems, while also providing exposure to the technology and professionals working in related fields.

What is ISPRS?

The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is a non-governmental organization devoted to the development of international cooperation for the advancement of photogrammetry and remote sensing and their applications. The Society’s scientific interests include photogrammetry, remote sensing, spatial information systems and related disciplines, as well as applications in cartography, geodesy, surveying, natural, Earth and engineering sciences, and environmental monitoring and protection.

Who are the ISPRS members?

ISPRS is a global network of national and regional societies active in the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences, facilitating and promoting activity between them.

Members  may be individuals, organizations, institutions, or agencies who manufacture or distribute instruments, equipment or supplies, who operate or provide services in the fields of photogrammetry and/or remote sensing and/or GIS, or who are engaged in research and/or education.

What is ISPRS doing at Geo Week in 2023?

For the first time ever, Diversified Communications is collaborating with ISRPS to develop a session on Photogrammetry at Geo Week 2023. The Geo Week session, scheduled for February 14 is being finalized and will include reviews of the latest research by several ISPRS leaders.

“ISPRS is pleased to partner with Geo Week to further advance photogrammetry and remote sensing throughout the world. ISPRS is the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, a non-governmental organization devoted to the development of international cooperation for the advancement of photogrammetry, remote sensing, and geospatial sciences and their applications. Its members are national societies, such as the ASPRS which hosts conference content annually at Geo Week, and government agencies, regional organizations, and both national and international firms involved in these topics. ISPRS is organized in five technical commissions and is heavily involved in fostering and managing leading-edge research across the globe.”

Lena Halounova

President, ISPRS

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