Geo Empower: Path to Leadership Event Scholarship is now open!

February 10-12, 2025  |  Colorado Convention Center   |  Denver, CO, USA

Session Details

Aevex Aerospace Lidar

Preparing for the Modernization of the National Spatial Reference System

Feb 11 2025

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM MT

Bluebird 1A

The field of geospatial technology is on the cusp of significant developments that will affect every aspect of the industry. The U.S., for the first time in over forty years, including its territories, is planning to update its official reference and vertical datums. These revisions are being led by the National Geodetic Survey (NGS), which is a part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), under the National Ocean Service (NOS). NGS’s role is to establish, maintain, and allow public access to the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS), the framework that provides definitions of latitude, longitude, altitude, gravity, and orientation across the United States. As part of their mission to modernize the NSRS, the NGS plans to replace the existing North American Datum (NAD) 83 and vertical datums such as the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) 88 with new terrestrial reference frames and a novel geopotential datum. In response to the upcoming changes, the ASPRS has created a working group dedicated to addressing this topic and informing the industry about the most effective ways to adapt to the shift toward these new standards. A special panel composed of various industry experts will address the potential hurdles and strategies for this significant update.

Modernizing the National Spatial Reference System
NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey (NGS) defines, maintains, and provides access to the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS), which is a common foundation for geospatial data that serves as the basis for civilian surveying and mapping in the United States. Changes in technology and a better understanding of the dynamic earth have made it necessary to improve the NSRS to be of better use for modern applications. Currently, NGS is in the process of modernizing the NSRS, updating the existing horizontal datums with a suite of geometric reference frames and the vertical datums with a gravimetrically-derived geopotential datum. Part of the modernization process involves updating NGS products and services to support users of the Modernized NSRS. Such updates include coordinate conversions and transformations, geodetic control, GNSS data processing, the Continuous Operating Reference Station (CORS) network, aerial imagery, and the many tools and datasets that make the NSRS possible. An entirely new State Plane Coordinate System is also being developed. For both the existing and future NSRS, the goal of NGS is the same: to best meet the diverse positioning needs of the entire U.S. geospatial community that includes surveyors and GIS professionals. Learn how NGS is striving towards this goal during this session.
Brian Shaw, NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey

Understanding and Preparing for the Modernization of the National Spatial Reference System
NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey (NGS) is modernizing its foundational National Spatial Reference System, and these changes will have broad benefits to many applications including civilian surveying and mapping in the United States. NGS will share information about its efforts modernizing the NSRS, updating the existing horizontal datums with a suite of geometric reference frames and the vertical datums with a gravimetrically-derived geopotential datum. NGS wants to hear from others who are responsible for collecting and maintaining geospatial datasets, collecting new geodetic information for geospatial observations, and any other geospatial information to discuss the implications of the new system and how to prepare to make the transition.
Galen Scott, NOAA/NGS/NOS

Session Moderator



Oregon State University


NOAA's National Geodetic Survey

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