February 10-12, 2025  |  Colorado Convention Center   |  Denver, CO, USA

Session Details

Aevex Aerospace Lidar

Getting Off the Ground with UAV Survey

Feb 11 2024

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MT

Exhibit Hall Theater

While uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) have emerged as a valuable technology for large-scale surveying work, getting started with a UAV program can still be a challenge. While it may sound enticing to just add a UAV to the surveyor’s toolbox – the reality can be more complex. In this session, presenters will outline how to get started with a drone program, including how to seek regulatory approval for certain situations. Learn how to get permission for beyond line of sight (BVLOS) flying, and how to utilize tools for logistics and safety planning before your drones take flight, and more, in this practical how-to session.

How do you get Permission to Fly BVLOS?  The Practical Approach
Drones are a great tool to use for collecting all sorts of data. The workflows are well established and the hardware manufacturers have simplified the piloting of drones to an easy push of a button (after some intuitive flight planning). However, the regulations restrict drones from being operated beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS).

In this session, we’ll focus on how to develop an effective safety case to get a BVLOS operation approved from the FAA. The conversation will look at simple operations that use visual observers (VOs) through to more complex operations without VOs that leverage technology solutions to assure the drone detects and avoids all air traffic operating in the shared airspace. We’ll focus on how to develop a concept of operations that comprehensively identifies air & ground risks and answers how each of those risks will be mitigated and then make sure that all the questions are answered in the FAA’s published Waiver Safety Explanation Guidelines. Finally, we’ll identify trends that are emerging that will provide operators greater flexibility to perform BVLOS operations more efficiently in the future.

Rob Knochenhauer, Censys Technologies Corporation

Leveraging Drones and Drone Software for Enhanced Logistics and Safety Planning in Mission Critical Projects
The presentation will explore the significant advantages of incorporating drones and drone software into logistics planning and safety measures for mission-critical projects. The presentation will delve into the unique workflows, exemplary projects, and novel applications that have been successfully implemented in San Antonio, demonstrating the potential for improved project outcomes and enhanced safety practices.

Learning Objectives:

1. Provide an overview of the role of drones and drone software in the coordination of mission-critical projects in the construction industry.

2. Highlight the benefits of utilizing drones and drone software in logistics planning, including improved efficiency, enhanced accuracy, and cost reduction.

3. Showcase real-world case studies and exemplary projects where the application of drones and drone software has resulted in significant project advancements and successful outcomes.

4. Discuss the integration of drones with existing safety planning, emphasizing the role of technology in mitigating risks and fostering a safer working environment.

5. Uncover potential challenges and considerations when implementing drones and drone software in logistics planning and safety measures, providing best practices and practical solutions derived from firsthand experience.

Vanessa Miller, Rogers O’Brien

Session Moderator


Censys Technologies Corporation

Rogers O'Brien

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