Geo Empower: Path to Leadership Event Scholarship is now open!

February 10-12, 2025  |  Colorado Convention Center   |  Denver, CO, USA

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Aevex Aerospace Lidar

Prasad Thenkabail

Prasad S. Thenkabail is a Senior Scientist with USGS, specializing in remote sensing science for agriculture, water, and food security. He is a world-recognized expert in remote sensing science with multiple major contributions in the field sustained for over 38 years. Dr. Thenkabail has conducted pioneering research in hyperspectral remote sensing of vegetation and in that of global croplands and their water use for food security. His work on hyperspectral remote sensing of agriculture and vegetation are widely cited. In studies of global croplands for food and water security, he has led the release of the world’s first 30-m Landsat Satellite-derived global cropland extent product. This work demonstrates a “paradigm shift” in global cropland mapping using remote sensing through big data analytics, machine learning, and petabyte-scale cloud computing on the Google Earth Engine (GEE). 

Dr. Thenkabail’ s contributions to series of leading edited books places him as a world leader in remote sensing science. There are two seminal Book-sets with a total of seven volumes that he edited which have demonstrated his major contributions as an internationally acclaimed remote sensing scientist. These are: 1. Remote Sensing Handbook (three Volume Book-set) and 2. Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation (multi-volume Book-set). Dr. Thenkabail is at the center of rendering scientific service to the world’s remote sensing community over long periods of service. This includes serving as Editor-in-Chief (2011-present) of Remote Sensing Open Access Journal and Associate Editor (2017-present) of Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (PE&RS).

The USGS and NASA selected him as one of the 3 international members on the Landsat Science Team (2006-2011).  Dr. Thenkabail work experience spans over 25 countries. His career scientific achievements can be gauged by successfully making the list of world’s top 1% of scientists. Dr. Thenkabail obtained his PhD in Agricultural Engineering from the Ohio State University, USA in 1992 and has over 168 peer-reviewed publications. 

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