Geo Empower: Path to Leadership Event Scholarship is now open!
Geo Empower: Path to Leadership Event Scholarship is now open!
If you have ever attended the International Lidar Mapping Forum (ILMF) conference in person, you may be familiar with the highly popular “Product Preview” sessions held at each conference. These sessions give a rapid-fire introduction to new technology, updated software solutions and demonstrate the latest technology for your work. For 2020 we’ve moved them to a series of virtual sessions taking place as webinars.
These “Emerging Technology Showcases” feature up to six companies per session demonstrating their products or launching their new tech in short, 10-15-minute videos. This session, which took place on November 3, 2020 featured presentations from six companies:
Vexcel Imaging, a leader in the geospatial industry, develops cutting-edge digital aerial cameras, mobile mapping systems and photogrammetric software with innovative approaches, and places an emphasis on continuing product upgrades and world-class support. The broad UltraCam aerial camera portfolio covers all applications in airborne photogrammetry — from nadir to oblique to wide-area data collection. UltraCam data is processed with the UltraMap photogrammetry software, providing an end-to-end processing workflow for highly automated, quality data products that include point clouds, digital surface and terrain models, orthophotos and 3DTINs.
In this presentation, Alexander Weichert the CEO of Vexcel Imaging will be giving you an update on both their camera portfolio and the Vexcel Data Program (VDP).
As your business evolves, you need a partner that can adapt with you and help orient your business for success. Applanix’s systems, software, and solutions are designed for pinpoint accuracy, efficiency, and ease of use, supporting applications for mobile mapping, surveying, and autonomous vehicles. Like their solutions, Applanix works for you in all environments, applying our deep expertise and passion to customize practical solutions that meet your complex needs, whether on the ground, in the air, or on water.
In the following presentation, Brad will talk about their airborne products for mapping – and what’s new at Applanix.